Lela Karagianni’s bust in Exarcheia square was made in 1958, funded by the Association of Greek Women Scientists. Lela Karagianni (1898- 1944) was a legendary fighter of the National Resistance against the German troops in the period 1941- 1944.

A protagonist of the «Secret War», although a mother of seven children, she was the first Greek citizen to offer organized resistance against the German enemy. She created the organization named “Bouboulina”, funded by herself. She was imprisoned (with her five children) and executed by the Germans troops.

She became a renowned symbol of resistance worldwide. After her death, she was awarded the Award for Virtue and Self Sacrifice by the Academy of Athens and, in 2011, the honorary title of the Law of Nations by Yad Vashem, the Foundation for the Memory of Martyrs and Heroes, while in 2020 she was awarded the honorary rank of Brigadier General.

Today, there is a marble bust of her in Exarcheia square in Athens. Also, her house and base of her resistance movement in Plateia Amerikis is considered to be a historical monument that needs special protection.