The Paxinou-Minotis Museum is a museum in Athens that is devoted to the Greek film and stage actress Katina Paxinou (1900-1973). Katina Paxinou was born in Pireaus and she was one of the founding members of the Greek National Theatre. She was the first Greek actress who managed to make it in Hollywood and even on her own terms, to excel in theatre and cinema in Europe and to stand out as a tragedienne of global importance. She was the first non American actress that won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the film “”For Whom the Bell Tolls””.
She played in numerous performances of the National Theatre of Greece. She died of cancer in 1973 and is justly considered as the greatest Greek actress of the 20th century. Her husband, the director Alexis Minotis, created a museum in her memory, that after his own death, was named Paxinos Minotis Museum. The Museum and Archive are housed in the Eynardos Mansion, 20 Agios Konstantinos St. and 52 Menandrou Street, in the centre of Athens.