Doña Gonzala Santana
Gonzala Santana, a wealthy woman from Salamanca, who was known among the citizens as ‘La pollita de oro’ (the little golden chick), due to her generosity and fortune. She was born in Valladolid in 1844, because her father, José Santana, was a rich farmer from Alaejos. But she considered herself to be from Salamanca, because her mother, Petra Delgado, was from Salamanca. She was orphaned when she was young and rich. We are talking about the end of the 19th century. Despite the wealth she possessed, Gonzala did not forget the world in which she lived, and she was fully aware that she was fortunate, so her altruism was considerable, giving money to those who needed it and asked for it, changing their destiny.
Source: https://lacronicadesalamanca.com/280926-la-rica-heredera-que-repartio-su-fortuna-en-becas/