CARLA FERRACINI. On International Women’s Day (2023), the civic hall in San Giovanni (Lecco) was named after her. Carla was born in Lecco in 1932. She attended the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Brera and Milan and courses in Xylography and Lithography in Urbino. On returning to her hometown, she devoted herself to teaching, without however abandoning her artistic career. Two exhibitions were dedicated to her in Lecco: the first in 1998 at the Torre Viscontea and the second in 2012, again in the Torre Viscontea, entitled “Vie d’uscita”. She donated one of her works to the “Sistema Museale Urbano Lecchese”: “Il vascello fantasma”. In 2001, Carla created the monument for Aido installed at Castello Cemetery. She passed away in February 2022.