FRANCESCA CICERI.In 2020, an associative reality in Lecco promoted an innovative action: symbolically changing the names of three city streets, naming them after great women of Italian history. Through a poll, citizens chose three women: among them, FRANCESCA CICERI. Francesca was born in Lecco in 1904; a member of the Communist Party of Italy, she was particularly active in organising and leading Italian women’s groups in Paris and Lyon. She then returned to Italy to carry out anti-fascist activities among the textile workers and to direct the struggle of the “mondine” (rice weeders); having escaped and returned to Italy clandestinely from the Leninist school in Mosca, she and her husband were arrested and sentenced to eight years imprisonment. In 1943, she and her husband went to the Piani d’Erna and formed one of the first partisan formations. After the Liberation, she became leader of the PCI women’s federation and a member of the Women’s Consultative Commission of the Milan Chamber of Labour. In the last years of her life, she was president of the Lecco ANPI. In 1977, the municipal administration awarded her the gold medal for the Resistance. She died in Lecco in 1988.