(1913-1944): She was a Slovenian nurse, born in Nemški vas near Ribnica. She attended primary school in Ribnica 1920-25, also one grade of bourgeois school 1925-26, then enrolled at the Municipal Women’s Real Gymnasium in Ljubljana, from which she graduated in 1933. In Ljubljana, she lived in modest conditions in the boarding house of the Society of the Sisters of Mercy in the St. Joseph’s Shelter, where she also supported herself by giving lessons. She attended the incomplete Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana from 1933-39, then continued her studies in Belgrade and Zagreb, where she was graduated in 1939.During the Second World War she worked in a secret hospital in the mountains near Celje. She helped to treat wounded partisan fighters and saved many lives, despite the constant danger of being discovered and captured by the occupiers. From January 1944 to May 1945, she was the administrator, doctor and surgeon of the Slovenian Partisan War Hospital, already named after her during the war, in the inaccessible Pasice gorge near Cerkno.