LUISA BONO. Stakeholder of HerStory, a woman of Lecco present. Luisa is a psychologist and psychotherapist. She graduated in Developmental Psychology and Educational Processes at Milano-Bicocca University and specialised in cognitive-behavioural-oriented psychotherapy at the Studi Cognitivi school in Milan. For several years she has been working in the field of primary prevention of child sexual abuse; she is an auxiliary of the Judicial Police and she works in the assessment and care of minors in situations of abuse and maltreatment. She believes in the importance of education and prevention from an early age; developing critical thinking, good examples, good role models. What does she suggest to young women? To be determined, despite hardships, to be tenacious, to be committed; to create a good synergy together, to stick together. Find the right way to manage one’s time, give everything its due, give everything its weight, including taking personal space.