NILDE IOTTI. In 2020, an associative reality in Lecco promoted an innovative action: symbolically changing the names of three city streets, naming them after great women of Italian history. Through a poll, citizens chose three women: among them, NILDE LIOTTI. Nilde was born in 1920 in Reggio Emilia, graduated in literature from the Catholic University of Milan; she directed the Women’s Defence Group, a structure that was very active in the war of Liberation. She was the promoter of the family law (1975), the battle on the divorce referendum (1974) and the abortion law (1978). She was the first woman in the history of republican Italy to hold the office of President of the Chamber of Deputies; she went on to chair the Parliamentary Commission for Institutional Reforms and was elected Vice-President of the Council of Europe. The ‘Lady of the Republic’ passed away in 1999.