Doña Urraca y Doña Mafalda

Doña Urraca (1080-1126). She was the daughter of Alfonso VI, King of León, Castile and Galicia, and Constanza of Burgundy. In 1102, Alfonso VI entrusted his daughter and her husband with the difficult task of repopulating Salamanca: people came from France, Toro, Portugal, Asturias… who gave the city an intercultural atmosphere. Bishop Jerónimo had the support of the king to carry out the construction of the Cathedral, which is now the old Cathedral of Salamanca. His father King Alfonso VI died in 1109, one year after the death of his only son Sancho Alfónsez, so he decided to establish and approve that his successor would be Urraca. It was the first time that the succession to the throne fell to a woman who was also the widow of her first husband. The León nobles demanded a second marriage from the Queen and took Alfonso I, King of Aragon and Navarre, as their sovereign. Both Doña Urraca and “El Batallador” were proclaimed kings of León and Castile.

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